so if setting source ip works but it does not meet your requirements
then simple give ip address on both sides of your tunnel.for example on
one side:config system interfaceedit [your vpn interface]set ip remote-ip 10.30....
You should set source interface. There is proto=1 (icmp) in your example
so you have to set source by entering this command:exec ping-options
source [here ip of some internal iface]The same story is with other
services where FGT can be configured as ...
Hi - i'm using snmp to monitor FortiAPs managed by FGTs (mostly FGT300E
6.0.12).I use FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB and I think there are paths you are
hello cbevilaqua i understand that your configuration works in this way:
1. fortigate redirects user to external captive portal 2. external
captive portal sends user credentials back to fortigate 3. fortigate
starts communication with external radius...