Been thinking about this for a while. I' m guessing someone knows the
answer. If you set the priority on a 2 member HA cluster to be the same,
how can you control which node is the master? Is this even adviseable?
What I' d like to do is to upgrade o...
I' ve recently modified a route and also deleted a route. Neither change
shows in the acting routing table. It still shows what was previous to
the changes. Any ideas? FG10CH3G09620149 (root) # sh router static
config router static edit 1 set device ...
We recently implemented a 3016B (running latest 4.1 firmware) in place
of a really old Pix525. So far so good, except one odd issue. I have
seen reports from users saying they sometimes can not list specific
directories via FTP after they login. Now ...
Ede, Do you use it for storing firmware as well? If so, how do you get
the firmware onto the usb stick without sending one to the remote sites?
Thanks, Geoff
Thanks.. I have read the guide. Unfortunately the options you are
referring to aren' t always spelled out as to what scenario you should
use them in, which is the reason I' m asking other experienced admins.
As for the STP, yes I am using STP (actual...
I do normally want one of the firewalls to always be the master because
of some spanning tree complexity and connectivity to other
firewall/routers. If it fails to the other device it isn' t a huge deal,
just less efficient. I think what I will do is...
Just a follow up in case anyone else is experiencing something similar.
Fortinet Support had me issue a ' execute router restart' command that
resolved the issue. My connectivity went away for a second while the
routing engine restarted, but once it ...
I would be interesting to know how to identify if a nat pool is in fact
oversubscribed, and how to tell which one though. If anyone knows that
would be great help.