Hello, I have purchase a pair of 200D recently but encounter some
problem about setting Vdoms. After reading the cookbook and some
tutorial video, I try to setup the fortigate with 3 Vdoms which sharing
two wan link (as shown in the attached jpg). Ho...
Thx all for the reply, Emnoc: I have run the diag from custA and ping to, no idea why it go though wan2 instead of wan1, after I have add
the policy which allow custA access wan2 but it still return the error
"Deniedby forward policy check (p...
Hi Emnoc, Thanks for the reply, I have try to follow your blog and setup
the custA and custB but unfortunately still not working (no matter ping
or traceroute to following are the routes & firewall policy of
the vdoms: LKTFW1-FG200DXXXXXXXXX...
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