HiWe have two certificated like CN=*.example.com and second one as
CN=*.test.example.comSNI record configured with regular expresion for
both certificates. My question is: which certificate will use fortiweb
to respond to a url request like https://g...
Site going through Fortiweb is missing content and pic coming with java
scripts. Fortiweb is not able to redirect HTTP links coming with java
scripts to https. This is happening even when there is no security
profile applied to policy.This is not hap...
dear fortiweb admins, I are planning to migrate some websites from HTTP
to https. it seems that rather than applying relative URL on code has
been coded with full URL path in the HTML file. when is shown on https
site is defaced because of that. I ar...
HiIt looks like you will need a forward proxy (not reverse proxy) for
that flow.Personally never tried, however, in fortiweb you can enable ip
forwarding and you can play with simple firewall features that you can
find there. There is also snat. be c...
Hi,there are only 3 siem format available on fortiweb, two that you re
mentianing and azure format.Try to use syslog policy. you have there cvs
option too.Logrhythm should be able to parse these logs. bestAB
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