Hi, I have a small network where all my equipment has private IP
addresses (10.x.x.x) and I am using a Fortigate 300C. I have a special
need where I need to use a public IP address (e.g. A.A.A.A) to talk to
an equipment that is configured just to rep...
Thanks - I think that is the solution. This 300C is running an old
version (4.0 MR3 patch 11), hence the feature does not seem to be
available in this release. I will schedule an upgrade to the equipment
to the latest version in order to apply this n...
This makes a lot of sense with what I am seeing. How do you turn off the
arp reply from the IP Pools? Any way to do it on the GUI or it's a CLI
trick? Can this break anything else? I wouldn't expect it to... Since
the address on the IP Pools in not a...
sajiby3k, You understood the first part. With (following
your example) accessing my Server with a VIP. That is configured and it
works. Now the second part is not my server outgoing traffic and I will
try to explain that part more thorou...
Sure. FInd attached a very basic diagram. Hope this helps make more
sense out of it. Problem resides in that I need to impersonate a public
address internally (NAT with IP Pools), but if that address ever tries
to talk to my server, it cant. As soon ...
Daniel, Thanks for your reply. I think you got it. I am indeed spoofing
an IP address that exists in the Internet. The measuring equipment is
configured to just respond to this specific Internet address, but the
values it sends are wrong scaled. Sinc...
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