Hi there, I found one of the WIFI mesh leaf APs got disconnected from
time to time. when I check the status by using command: "diagnose
wireless-controller wlac -c wtp" I found the following msg: last failure
: 7 -- Change state pending timer expired...
an update:I think this bug has been fixed within the recent firmware
update. Since the fortigate FW had been upgraded to 6.2.2 build 1010,
and FP221E AP upgraded to 6.2 build 0265, We haven't seen any AP
disconnecting issue. Cheers
darwin wrote:7 -- Change state pending timer expired did a quick search
for the error message and one found in capwap module. almost all fortios
daemons have debug flags that can be set "diag debug application
-1" to enable all debug type bit fields...
Hi WaltDjr, Thanks for your info. Please keep me posted if you guys get
any update from tech support. As a workaround, we scheduled a script to
de-authorize the APs and authorize them again at the midnight everyday.
It does help to keep the APs onlin...