Hi,I'm working in a pilot for an access router with fortigate 51e to do
Ip TV, voice over IP and Internet for a services provider. Internet and
Voice over Ip is working fine but i don't find the way to configure igmp
proxy in the fortigate with query...
After I have been looking the CLI menu, i found have to it. firewall #
config router multicast firewall (multicast) # config interface firewall
(interface) # edit lan firewall (lan) # config igmp firewall (igmp) #
set query-interval 15firewall (igmp)...
After i have been surfing CLI menus and i found how to do it. firewall #
config router multicast firewall (multicast) # config interfacefirewall
(multicast) # edit firewall (multicast) # config igmpfirewall
(multicast) # set query-interval 15firewall...
Hi Albert,I have a partial working solution. Live TV is working, menus,
chanel description but VoD is still missing.The only way is to enable
multicast forwarding, it is not the best way because multicast traffic
is flowing to all ports. This is why ...