Hi, I have a FortiGate 50E running v6.2.4build1112 The following issue
occurs with different browers (FF, Chrome, Safari) and also on different
platforms (Win,OSX,iOS,Android) For the last 24h I have suddently
started receiving certifiacte errors on ...
emnoc wrote:To repeat what was said earlier "The problem is that those
websites have an expired certificate in their chain (expired on May
30)." Use ssllab to verify the cert on the web-server. If the cert is
expired nothing you can do can get pass t...
Thanks for the answer.Just to help me understand a little bit better
what to do: "We issue the certificates for the website is the fix" means
there will be an Update to Fortinets Trusted CAs List? Thanks!
Seems to me this is related to the "Sectigo AddTrust External CA Root"
expiring yesterday May 30, 2020
Will there be an update for this or how could...
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