Hello everybody, This is my firt post on this forum. I have a problem by
a customer with a SSL VPN Tunnel Mode. I have a fortigate 60c and i
have: 1 subnet 192.168.1.x for the office and: 1 subnet 192.168.1.x for
a extern user. And that' s doesnt wor...
Hello, Ok I have tried to conect to the SSL VPN with the Fortigate
Client not just the SSL CLient and thats work :) !! But all the traffic
go trough the ssl vpn include internet. It' s possible to separate that
? regards, Vince
Thanks for your post. But the problem is: The server has a ip like and when the user ping or connect to this ip he ping the
locally adress and not the adress in office. What can I do ?