I have a FortiGate 50E, unlisense, firmware v5.4.1When try setup 2 vlan,
vlan10 ip ip I enable DHCP on
VLan then it wont give ip to any PC but DHCP on port still workAnd no
matter how much i try, i cant seam to...
I'll guess i try rip..it work, i dont know why i dont think of this
earlierBut it just 3 network so i really want to set static routing,
some how it didnt work, so i guess rip or nothing, save me some
headache.Why the automatic routing doesnt work (a...
Thanks for the reply,There is no layer two switch in my setup, just the
built-in Lan port from the firewallThe PC obtain IP address like normal
if i enable dhcp server on physical or physical interface setting (PC
set to dhcp not manual and ipconfig ...