Hi, I randomly get high CPU spike for newcli:Run Time: 207 days, 9 hours
and 29 minutes 59U, 0N, 40S, 1I; 1838T, 1487F newcli 21903 R 89.7 1.5
httpsd 168 S 3.9 1.4 httpsd 131 S 2.1 1.4 newcli 21902 R 0.5 1.5 httpsd
21905 S 0.5 1.3 Anyway I can trace ...
Hi, I have question on how the TCP connection work on Fortigate.The
outbound traffic is allowed all.When I telnet to external IP with any
port from an internal host behind the Fortigate, the result will show
connected even the external IP's port is n...