Hi, Good day! We have a Fortinet 100E here on our office, but we
experience a slow connection even we have a 40Mbps bandwidth DIA. Status
of my devices:CPU: 7%Memory: 32%Session: 3702 SPU: 13% nturbo: 4.7%
WAN1: Inbound: 2MbpsOutbound: 1.5MbpsWAN2:In...
My setup is: 1 Fortinet 100E Port Active: WAN1, WAN2, Port1 2. Cisco
Switch Port Active: Port 1 connected to Port1(Fortinet)Port2 - Port6 -
CLients / Devices / AP's Thank you
Okay will do that, regarding with the users, in our daily users we have
a 90+ users in complete for a day.With that, what model can you
recommend to us, also if we can upgrade our bandwidth, you think it is
helpful? Thank youJerry A.