I have a 40F that I've configured to allow SSL VPN connections from
remote computers (work from home primarily). I've got Forticlient to
connect, and while connected can still connect to the internet (split
tunneling) and ping the 40F at
Using these tools, I messed around with configurations a bunch more, and
did some reading on what the terms in the output meant and just some
straight logic. On the later outputs, I figured out that the FGT was
sending the pings to the computers on t...
It might be completely obvious to you reading these results, but it
wasn't to me so I'll just add that the ping did not complete from the
remote computer.
Thanks. I think with the routing table
result192.168.2.0255.255.255.0192.168.2.99192.168.2.981That means my
concern with this point is unfounded. Maybe? :)
Thanks for the suggestion as well. I've never looked at a routing table
before, but as far as I can tell it looks ok.
Thanks for the help. Here's what I get:FortiGate-40F # dia sniffer
packet any " host and host " 4 0
linterfaces=[any]filters=[ host and host
]2024-07-23 20:20:36.036461 ssl.root in ->...
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