Does anyone have a chart or template or custom report they are willing
to share that graphs (in and out bandwidth utilization) on each of the
WAN interfaces of each of the Fortigates? The closest to what I am after
would be the Chart: Interface Utili...
1) If I filter Log View on intf, it doesn't recognize that term so
cannot find any entries but I can filter on: dstintf= "wan1(wan)" or
dstintfrole="wan" and it returns logs. Tried updating the report to
filter on those (tried one then the other) and...
Yes, I want to use that chart from Throughput Utilization Billing by
Device and Interface Report in FortiAnalyzer.1) Doesn't work for me.
Report still shows all ports (can see internal and wan2 even though only
wan1 is in the filter). Had also tried ...
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