Hello, we seem to be converging in the security space with end users and
the free version of the FortiClient.Currently deployed via Intune 7.2.2
FortiClient SSL VPN with SAML authentication back to Entra. When it
works its no problem, however we also...
We redeployed this with a mandatory reboot.After the restart, we tested
with a user that had no local machine admin rights.If they attempt to
shutdown the FortiClient they are prompted for admin credentials.
Going to give this a test and reply back here...Not sure this changes
/i "FortiClient.msi" /passive /quiet INSTALLLEVEL=3 DESKTOPSHO...
Hello psevca, Yes, the behavior you describe is what's witnessed.We have
Intune installing the w32 app as system without a reboot nag. However,
this is not of great concern, it's the stability of the SAML
authentication request and then client errors...