HelloI'm trying to set up a SSL Inspection Profile for a Server behind
our Fortigate but as soon as I activate the SSL Profile I get an error
for the Website that it's not been trusted. SSL Inspection Options is
set to Protecting SSL Server.If I acti...
I also tried with adding another Security Profile but still same
issues.It's a Certificate from Digicert not self-signed. I Uploaded the
.pem (which includes the whole Certificate Chain) to Local Certificate.
SAN also has the right DNS entries.Now my...
Thank you but my issue is not that I don't see anything on the Firewall.
My issue is that the Browser is giving Certificate errors since the
Website is not trusted because the Firewall sends the wrong
Certificate.I did a Trace and I see in Wireshark ...
But still SSL Deep Inspection has to work first. If I have the
Certificates only on the Webserver I can't inspect the traffic. Thats
why I uploaded them to the Fortigate so I can use SSL Deep Inspected for
the Traffic torwards the Server and then add...