My setup is relatively simple. I only have one Cisco 2950 switch
connected to the Fortigate, and it has a trunk link.At this moment, I do
not have access to the switch, I will probably go on site tomorrow to
configure the VLAN access that I would lik...
I'm new with Fortinet Forigate product, please could you let me see the
configuration you has on the Fortigate, I' can't set the Fortigate side.
I'm havving probleme with thw way Fortigate deals with trunks and vlans
I'm new to Fortinet Forigate prod...
On fortigate side, where are you mentioning wich Vlan is allowed on the
interface "po1" that can transit on the trunk? example vlan 100, 101,
102, 103, 104. I try to to same thing, but with a regular interface
without LACP.Thansk for any helps !