Olá a todos, temos uma IPsec SD WAN com 3 links de provedores
diferentes, constantemente temos algumas oscilações com alguns que o
link não cai, minha dúvida é, como faço para priorizar os túneis VPN
IPSec no IPsec SDWAN?
Hello Guys,We have a client, that has 3 internet providers, they are
connected to the ports (WAN, a, lan3), the 3 Links are pinging and
working normally, but we can only access 2 of them via HTTPS or SSH to
manage, it is necessary to do Can anyone co...
The settings are like this:config health-checkedit "SLA SDWan VPN
Azure"set server ""set source members 7 6
5nextend Members: edit 5set interface "VPN_AZURE_T2"set zone
"SDWAN-IPSec"set source cost 5set prio...
config system sdwanconfig health-checkedit "Name of SLA"set source "IP
Interface LAN"endend I did the configuration, but it didn't work, it
continues as down.