When can this be implemented. Also is it not possible to implement a
feature which calls a [playbook step]/playbook recursively with a
definite number of times which can be defined by the user, so that it
does not assume that it will go to infinite l...
Hi @okumbhar Thank you for the answer.This helped us for a smaller set
of data but for huge data : lets say 2k or more , it gets stuck with
error : CS-WF-52: Possible infinite recursion detected. Aborting after a
depth of 10 runs referencing the same...
Thank you for your reply.We tried this but it does not allow us to go
back to any previous step again, i.e : one step can be executed only
once.Here is the error message for reference: "CS-WF-13: Invalid
Playbook. Playbook should always be Directed A...
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