For one of our customers we want a certain number (3) of IPSec VPN
tunnels to remain open, even if there is no traffic going through the
tunnel. To accomplish this I enabled the " Autokey Keep Alive" setting
in VPN --> IPSEC --> Phase 2 --> Edit VPN ...
Hi slimo, have been working on this issue. Found out that my FortiGate
(ssl vdom) was not able to perform DNS lookup to the remote
authentication server. After name resolving was fixed, the configuration
was working fine ! Kind regards, Patrick.
Hi slimo, some time ago that you posted this message. Did you manage to
fix this issue ? If yes, how ? I' m asking you, because I face the same
issue. However, I am never able to login and *always* see the event "
no_matching_policy" . Kind regards, ...
Aenriquez, our tunnels are from FortiGate to some Nortel device. There
is not actually a problem with the tunnels. They come up and transport
the traffic. They just go down after timeout expiration and do not
automatically come up. To avoid the tunne...