Hello, I have a use case where I'd like to take a CVE's JSON details,
and convert certain fields to XML format. The reason for this would be
to create custom vulnerability checks for Rapid7 InsightVM
programmatically using the specified CVE. I can pu...
This may be a trivial question but I assumed incorrectly that the
"Completed On" field in the tasks module would automatically populate
once a Task was marked as completed but currently it doesn't. Do I need
to create a separate playbook to update th...
Hi all,Wondering if anyone has any suggestions for dealing with 429 Rate
Limit exceeded messages when using the Crowdstrike connector. I run
multiple enrichment automations using different Crowdstrike actions and
they often trigger the rate limiting ...
Hi all, I'm working on a playbook that contains a host using
Crowdstrike. Running the playbook updates a comment saying the host was
contained. I want to include a link in the comment that will say
something like "click here to lift containment" and ...
Hi all, When using the Virus Total connector action "Get Analysis
Details", the execution output shows the API request is 'queued'. Does
anyone have any experience building in steps to keep checking when the
status becomes complete?Using google.ca ju...
Not entirely sure what the issue is here but I can see in your first
screenshot under the "File" key that it says , so
you're passing that through the playbook. I would start there and
investigate why it says that.
Thanks Jtamboli, this is brilliant - exactly the logic I was looking
for. I hadn't thought of using a do until loop so thanks for pointing
that out. I tested it out and it works if I set the condition