Hello,I have stucked in one subject . I have environmement which has
routing protocol is "OSPF" . HQ-test : Test-Branc: &
BCN-Test is connected via VPN Hq-Test & Test-Branch is connected via
but BCN-Tst also has also vpn connection to the Branch office. ( I can
not create the senario , because of my lack of sources, like static IP )
if I write this acl to Bcn-tst , it will no accept the branch site blok
from branch..I have an another ide...
config router access-list edit "ac_drop_66" config rule edit 1 set
action deny set prefix set exact-match enable
next end nextend config router ospf set abr-type cisco set router-id set restart-mode graceful-resta...
I can not change topolgy OSPF to BGP .. Normally I will connect
Test-Branch to BCN-TEST. Why I need to stop advertising Branch blok from
HQ site to the BCN site.
Here is the topology Ozz wrote:Hi , Yes I saw this post. but it is
useless for my case. I need more detail information. Do you have any
idea or solution?