Hi to everybody,hoping to have chosen the right group, here's my
problem:one week ago one of my clients started complaining about the
fact that, after they login in the pc, there wasn't any connection; the
pc was able to ping other clients inside the...
Hi,is it that maybe the policies are in the wrong order?You should have
first the policy for the ftp server (source: lan, destination: ip
server) and then the policy that allows internet connection (source:
lan, destination: all). Otherwise, if they ...
Yes. Actually now that I thought about it, it worked also between a
Fortigate and a PFSense. I've configured the same two vpns on the
PFSense, one for the headquarter and one for backup (so one for the
public ip of wan1 and the other for wan2). They ...
Hi xsilver,first of all I want to apologize for not answering before to
your quick and helpful answer. At the end I've install to both DCs the
DC agents, to avoid losing logins, and I've set to ignore the logins of
some of the system users that were ...
Hi tony85,in my environment (dealing with two fortigates) what I did to
configure a vpn failover is configuring two identical vpns (on the
fortigate side), one with interface set to wan1 and the other with
wan2.Once done that, if you edit the backup ...