Wireless Controller
Dedicated Wi-Fi control and management for high density and mobility
Article Id 198019
Meru Connect not sending accounting packet to Firewall to authorize the user on Firewall.

The Firewall needs to be added as an accounting server on Meru Connect so that Meru Connect sends all the accounting information to Firewall. Also, to send the Accounting packet to Firewall, Meru Connect should receive the Accounting packet from NAD ( Network Access Device). Make sure Wireless controller or switch is sending the accounting packet to Meru Connect on Port 1813.

To add Firewall as an accounting server on Meru Connect, follow the steps below:

1. Login to Meru Connect Web Interface using the Meru Connect IP or host name in the browser along with /admin at the end. Example-

2. Click on Devices Tab on the left panel.

3. Click on Radius Accounting Server. The interface will be seen on the right side.

4. Click on Add Radius Accounting server.

5. Fill in the information. Name, Firewall IP address, Shared secret key which was created on the Firewall while adding the Meru Connect IP and Port number 1813.

6. Click on Save. Refer to the Screenshot below.

If Meru Connect is getting the accounting packet from NAD device, it will forward it to Firewall.

