Jinja Expressions in CyOPs. Follow are some examples for using jinja expressions in playbooks.
Have added some expression, will keep on updating this blog with more examples
Setting picklist values based on condition
{% if vars.result.data.Severity=="P1"%}
{{("Severity" | picklist("Critical"))}}
{% elif vars.result.data.DeviceSeverity=="P2"%}
{{("Severity" | picklist("High"))}}
{% elif vars.result.data.DeviceSeverity=="P3"%}
{{("Severity" | picklist("Medium"))}}
{% elif vars.result.data.DeviceSeverity=="P4"%}
{{("Severity" | picklist("Low"))}}
{% else %}
{{("Severity" | picklist("Minimal"))}}
Regex Expression Examples
If {{vars.message}} is string as "Host Detection alert #123456, start 2018-08-02 05:33:45 UTC, duration 64, direction incoming, host x.x.x.x, signatures (Total Traffic), impact 12.87 Mbps/1.09 Kpps, importance 2, managed_objects ("XYZ_ZZ_ABC"), (parent managed object "nil")"
Check out following regex to pull out specific string
{{vars.Message | regex_search(‘(?<=managed_objects )(.*)’)}}
{{vars.Message | regex_search(‘(?<=signatures )(.*?,)’)}}
{{vars.Message | regex_search( ‘(?<=duration )(\w+)’)}}
{{vars.Message | regex_search(‘(?<=importance )([^,]+)’)}}
{{vars.Message | regex_search( ‘#([^\s]+)’)}}
{{vars.managed_objects | replace(“\”“,”“) | replace(“(”,“”) | replace(“)”,“”) | regex_search(‘(?<=XYZ_ZZ_)([^,]+)(?i)‘) | regex_search(‘(?<=_)([^,]+)’) }}
For Loop:
{% for i in vars.offense_list %}
{% endfor %}
If Condition:
{% if vars.request.data.offenseitem > 10 %}
{% elif 5==6 %}
{% endif %}
For Loop along with If condition
{% for i in vars.offense_list %}
{ % if i not in vars.request.data% }
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Time Operations
Get timestamp - {{ arrow.get('2013-05-35 12:30:45', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') }}
convert current time into epoch and multiply by 10000 - {{arrow.utcnow().timestamp*1000 | int | abs}}
convert date to epoch time - {{ arrow.Arrow(2017, 3, 30).timestamp}}
String Operations
Find the length of list or string - {{vars.emails | length }}
Replace string - {{ vars.var_keys.replace("dict_keys(","" ) | replace( ")", "" )}}
Code in block:
{% block body %}
{% for key, value in vars.loop_resource.items() %}
{{ key }}: {{ value }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
Set variable based on condition:
{% for i in vars.result['hydra:member'] %}
{% set id = i['@id'] %}
{{ vars.inc_fdata.append(id) }}
2nd Example
{% for i in vars.result['hydra:member'] %}
{% set id = i['@id'] %}
{% set createDate = i.createDate | string %}
{% set list_item = [id,createDate] %}
{{ vars.inc_fdata.append(list_item) }}
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