FortiSIEM Discussions
New Contributor

DBA activities

Dear Support


before upgrade the fortiSIEM from Version 6.1 to 7.0  we were used the Performance Object to get the DBA activates through create credential and test it and get the activates
from the crated table in the oracle Database 12C. 
after upgrade we are create the same setting in the previous version but we were faced problem when using the test IP address ( oracle Database)  and appeared  message " Custom JDBC Monitor Error:Invalid column index "



New Contributor III

I believe this is Bug 0936491. I was able to work around it by clearing a field in the DB using the steps below


This select statement will show you what is put in the the DB
select id,name,sql_conditions from ph_mon_perf_obj where method='JDBC';


This is what I use to clear the field to get it to work:
update ph_mon_perf_obj SET sql_conditions = ' ' where id='id from select statement above';