FortiRecon is a digital risk protection (DRP) service that allows customers to gain visibility of their digital attack surface, receive targeted threat intelligence, and reduce organisational risk.
Article Id 311695

FortiRecon Digital Risk Protection (DRP), a SaaS-based service, includes External Attack Surface Management, Brand Protection, and Adversary Centric Intelligence.


Adversary Centric Intelligence (ACI): leverages FortiGuard Threat Analysis to provide comprehensive coverage of dark web, open-source, and technical threat intelligence, including threat actor insights to enable organizations to respond proactively assess risks, respond faster to incidents, better understand their attackers, and guard assets.


The Vulnerability Intelligence Module under Adversary Centric Intelligence (ACI) provides a realistic view of the impact of the vulnerability based upon chatter and discussion of the same across various external sources such as Darkweb, social media, News / Blogs etc. 
CVE ID    CVE-2022-4257
CVE Title   

C-DATA Web Management System GET Parameter cgi-bin/jumpto.php hostname argument injection

FortiRecon Severity HIGH
FortiRecon Score 70/100
Exploited Yes
Exploited by Ransomware Group(s) No
Exploited by APT Group(s) No
Included in CISA KEV List No
Available working exploit(s) 0
Available POC exploit(s) 0
Darknet Mention(s) 0
Telegram Mention(s) 0
FortiRecon Intelligence Reporting(s) 1 (OSINT)
Social Media Mention(s) 10
EASM Scanner    No