FortiNAC-F is a zero-trust network access solution that provides users with enhanced visibility into the Internet of Things (IoT) devices on their enterprise networks. For legacy FortiNAC articles prior to FortiNAC-F 7.2, see FortiNAC.
Article Id 378936
Description This article describes the sequence of commands that needs to be executed on the FortiNAC-F CLI to get the license information updated.
Scope FortiNAC-F all versions.

Step 1:


Execute the command shown below to validate that the MAC address to uuid mapping is 'true' and that the current license status.


fnac01 # get system license -check
system_mac = 00:50:56:xx:xx:xx
system_uuid = f7c2ccff-179f-48ec-b455-608da89606ee
valid_mac_uuid = true  --> MAC address to UUID mapping is true.
serial = FNVXCATM2xxxxxxx
type = NetworkControlApplicationServer
level = BASE  --> But the license status is not reflecting level as 'pro'.
count = 0
expiration = 0 days
expired = false
mac = 00:50:56:xx:xx:xx

uuid = f7c2ccff-179f-48ec-b455-608da89606ee

certificates = [5f61bcc9e472edc670ec09a49bf881478bb5e306,2c08dd71a4de4bb8a8a30ef4c865da76dbfb352a]


fnac01 # get system license -key EFFECTIVE
serial = FNVXCATM2xxxxxxx
type = NetworkControlApplicationServer
level = BASE   
--> The license status is not reflecting the level as 'pro'.
count = 0
expiration = 0 days
expired = false
mac = 00:50:56:xx:xx:xx
uuid = f7c2ccff-179f-48ec-b455-608da89606ee

certificates = [5f61bcc9e472edc670ec09a49bf881478bb5e306,2c08dd71a4de4bb8a8a30ef4c865da76dbfb352a]


Step 2:


If the pro-licenses were purchased and registered under the FortiCare account proceed with this step. 



  • If the URLs and ports are not open, an error like the one below may occur:


fnac01 # diagnose system entitlements -poll

Error retrieving servers: Error polling FDS; nested exception is:
com.fortinet.api.fcp.protocol.FCPException: Error executing Request to
Effective Count=0
Effective Level=BASE


  • After adding the necessary URLs and Ports the poll will succeed as shown below:


fnac01 # diagnose system entitlements -poll
description                supportLevelDescription expirationDate
__________________________ _______________________ ______________
Telephone Support            Premium                  2027-06-14
Firmware & General Updates   Web/Online               2027-06-14
FortiNAC VM                  FortiNAC Pro             2027-06-14
Vulnerability Management     Web/Online               2027-06-14
IoT Detection                Web/Online               2027-06-14
Enhanced Support             Premium                  2027-06-14
COMP                         Premium                  2027-06-14


  • This output indicates that the licenses have been downloaded and installed successfully on the instance. 

Step 3:




Once again use the commands explained in Step 1 to validate the license status. 


fnac01 # get system license -check
system_mac = 00:50:56:xx:xx:xx
system_uuid = f7c2ccff-179f-48ec-b455-608da89606ee
valid_mac_uuid = true      --> MAC address to UUID mapping is also true.
serial = FNVXCATM2xxxxxxx
type = NetworkControlApplicationServer
level = PRO  --> The license status reflects the level as 'pro'.
count = 500 --> The concurrent devices count was also updated.
expiration = 0 days
expired = false
mac = 00:50:56:xx:xx:xx

uuid = f7c2ccff-179f-48ec-b455-608da89606ee

certificates = [5f61bcc9e472edc670ec09a49bf881478bb5e306,2c08dd71a4de4bb8a8a30ef4c865da76dbfb352a]


fnac01 # get system license -key EFFECTIVE
serial = FNVXCATM2xxxxxxx
type = NetworkControlApplicationServer
level = PRO   
--> The license status reflects the level as 'pro'.
count = 500   
 --> The concurrent devices count was also updated.
expiration = 0 days
expired = false
mac = 00:50:56:xx:xx:xx
uuid = f7c2ccff-179f-48ec-b455-608da89606ee

certificates = [5f61bcc9e472edc670ec09a49bf881478bb5e306,2c08dd71a4de4bb8a8a30ef4c865da76dbfb352a]