This article describes how to add the disclaimer message for incoming email from non protected domain.
From Version 5.6.
1) Edit the domain in FortiMail server mode and select 'Disclaimer'.

This article describes how to add the disclaimer message for incoming email from non protected domain.
From Version 5.6.
1) Edit the domain in FortiMail server mode and select 'Disclaimer'.

2) In the 'Disclaimer' setting, select 'Use domain setting' and select check box 'Insert disclaimer at' 'Start of message in Incoming'.
Select 'Edit' to customize the message.

3) Exclude the protected domain so all the email send from protected domain will not be insert disclaimer.
Go to System -> Mail Settings -> Disclaimer Exclusion List -> and add the protected domain in the list.

4) To verify if the email is inserted with disclaimer message, check the email from Inbox.