This article describes how to find the username who edited the SSLVPN bookmark in web mode using the event logs.
Lets add the SSLVPN bookmark from the user's web portal. From the image, one can see that Fortinet is the SSLVPN user.
For example:
New bookmark that was added looks something like this.
Go to log and report - > Events - > System events.
When logs are checked to verify username, the 'User' field is empty.
But the actual username can be found under the 'Event' field by keyword 'Config Object'.
For ref:
Similar information can be seen from Raw log or downloaded log.
For example:
date=2022-10-18 time=11:11:11 eventtime=1666116671698083054 tz="-0700" logid="0100044547" type="event" subtype="system" level="information" vd="root" logdesc="Object attribute configured" ui="sslvpnd" action="Edit" cfgtid=9306310 cfgpath="vpn.ssl.web.user-bookmark" cfgobj="fortinet#" cfgattr="bookmarks:test5[url[]]" msg="Edit vpn.ssl.web.user-bookmark fortinet#"