FortiCloud Products
FortiCloud Products
Article Id 198641



This article describes the issue when activating FortiCloud or FortiSandbox inspection a message 'If you have acquired a certificate number to upgrade the storage of your FortiCloud account, please enter it below' is displayed once the Username & Password is entered.




FortiCloud, FortiSandbox.



  1. Check the Internet connectivity, and make sure that it can resolve the hostname ''.

    execute ping
    PING (

  2. Validate FortiCloud log state.


FortiOS 7.2.3 and below:


diagnose test application miglogd 20


FortiOS 7.2.4 and above:


diagnose test application fgtlogd 20

The server status is 'Down'.


diagnose test application miglogd 20
Home log server:
Address:, st: down
oftp status: connecting
spos: 0, slen: 0
rpos: 0, rlen: 12
Alternative log server:
Address:, st: down
oftp status: connecting
spos: 0, slen: 0
rpos: 0, rlen: 12
Active log server: ALTER

Number of log task: 1024
Number of task in list: 1024
Debug zone info:
Server IP:
Server port: 514
Server status: down


  1. Check the FortiGuard Log setting.


    config log fortiguard setting
    (setting) # show full-configuration
    config log fortiguard setting
        set status enable              <----- When trying to enable an error occurs: 'FortiCloud Account id not set/not available'.



  2. Set the FortiCloud ID:

config system fortiguard

     set service-account-id <FortiCloud_Account_ID>


Now repeat Step 3. It should successfully enable the status.

Check System -> FortiGuard -> FortiCloud should now be activated.
Check Fabric Connector -> Sandbox Inspection should now be enabled & activated.