FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 336512



This article describes a condition where the traffic does not match an explicit web proxy-policy when sec-default-action is set to ‘accept’ under the web-proxy configuration.

Scope FortiGate.

When the explicit web proxy configuration with sec-default-action accept is set up after the device boots up following a factory reset of the device, incoming traffic may not be matched against the proxy policy. As a result, the traffic will bypass any UTM inspection configured on the proxy policy. The following sequence of events can lead to this condition.

  1. FortiGate is boot-up from a factory-reset condition.
  2. Configure Explicit-web-proxy.

    config system interface
        edit "port2"
            set ip

            set explicit-web-proxy enable

    config web-proxy explicit
        set status enable

        set sec-default-action accept <--
        set https-replacement-message enable
        set message-upon-server-error enable
        set pac-file-server-status disable
        set ssl-algorithm medium
    config firewall proxy-policy
        edit 1
            set proxy explicit-web
            set dstintf "port1" àEgress interface for default route.
            set srcaddr "all"
            set dstaddr "all"
            set service "webproxy"
            set action accept
            set utm-status enable
            set ssl-ssh-profile "deep-inspection"
            set webfilter-profile "webfilter"

  3. The end user tries to access a destination that is blocked by webfilter-profile via explicit-web proxy-policy, website continues to load without being blocked.

The expectation is that the traffic should match the explicit-web-proxy policy and be further allowed/blocked by the UTM profiles as configured.

This issue is documented under bug ID 1059899.


Workaround:  Configure set sec-default-action to deny first in the CLI and then change the setting to accept to avoid running into this issue.