FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 197579



This article describes how to see what CLI syntax would correspond to GUI changes.







FortiGates can modify settings via GUI and CLI. When changes are made via GUI, the following allows visibility on what CLI syntax would have the same effect:


diagnose debug cli 7
diagnose debug enable


An SSH/Telnet terminal connected to the FortiGate will print any GUI changes as CLI syntax.


This allows gathering additional information on how to perform changes via CLI and provides more insight into what changes are made via GUI.


Note: For an expanded output that shows the corresponding CLI commands and the changes at the system level, use the below commands:


diag debug cli 8
diag debug enable


Below are sample screenshots of the GUI change and the 'diag debug cli 8 output' for adding an IP address and administrative access protocols to port2.




CLI output_diag.debug.cli.8.JPG


To disable the debug, use the following commands:


diag debug disable

diag debug reset


Related article:
Technical Tip: How to check the changes done in GUI via CLI - Fortinet Community