This article describes how to enable the email alerts when the Interface is going down as well as when it restored in UP state.
Same stitch cannot be useful here when it is necessary to receive the email alerts for Interface down and Interface up state.
While enabling the email alerts for Network down, we only receive the email alerts when the Interface is going down. Below is the default configuration for Network down stitch:
Network down.
# config system automation-trigger# config system automation-triggeredit "Network Down"set trigger-type event-basedset event-type event-logset logid 20099# config fieldsedit 1set name "status"set value "DOWN"nextendnextendnextend
The field value is added as 'DOWN' and will trigger the event only when it matches the field value.Hence with the default configuration, there will be no email alert when the Interface is coming UP.It is necessary to configure a different Automation Stitch to get the email alerts for Interface UP state.This can be achieved by the below configuration:-A dd a new Automation Stitch for 'Interface status Changed':It is possible to mention the field name and Value.Make sure to enter the Field name in Caps like: 'UP' or 'DOWN'.These field filters must match in order for the stitch to be triggered.Note.This option is only available on GUI for 7.0 versions.For previous versions, configure through CLI.
# config system automation-trigger# config system automation-triggeredit "Network UP"set trigger-type event-basedset event-type event-logset logid 20099# config fieldsedit 1set name "status"set value "UP"nextendnextend