FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 334695

This article describes that when configuring the message filter for gtpv2, some configuration options can overlap with each other and can create confusion. This article explains which setting takes precedence.

Scope All FortiGates.

config gtp message-filter-v2 has many configuration options to allow or deny specific message types and also to set a white list for specific message types. One can configure a profile like below: 

config gtp message-filter-v2
    edit "GTP_KB_example"
        set context-req-res-ack deny
        set unknown-message-white-list 130 131 132


When checked in the reference guide, it can be seen that context-req-res-ack corresponds to the message types 130, 131, and 132 : 

config gtp message-filter-v2


In this case, with the 'context-req-res-ack deny' message types 130,131 and 132 configured to be denied but on the other hand with the 'unknown-message-white-list' these messages tried to be allowed. In this case, 'context-req-res-ack deny' will take precedence, and requests for message types 130, 131, and 132 will be denied: 


Aug 20 10:01:44 fgt1 date=2024-08-20 time=10:01:44 devname="fgt1" devid="FG420Fxxxxxxxx" eventtime=1718092903821382951 tz="+0200" logid="1400041224" type="gtp" subtype="gtp-all" level="information" vd="test" profile="gtp-profile-inbound" status="prohibited-monitor" version=2 msg-type=131 msgtypename="context_response" from=x.x.x.x to=y.y.y.y deny_cause="msg-filter" ietype=0 dtlexp="none" srcport=2123 dstport=2123 seqnum=4013396 tunnel-idx=0 imsi="unknown" msisdn="unknown" apn="unknown" imei-sv="unknown" end-usr-address=unknown headerteid=2812280841 timeoutdelete=0 snetwork="unknown" uli="unknown"


Recommendation: Use 'unknown-message-white-list' only if message types do not have a specific configuration option in the below reference document. Otherwise, settings might not work as intended.


Related document for FortiOS 7.2.8:

GTPv2 message filtering