FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 193841



This article explains how to block the Google+ (Google Plus) social network access with the FortiGuard webfiltering feature.


FortiOS firmware version 4.00 MR3.
FortiOS firmware version 5.0.x.


When "Social Networking" is configured as blocked in the FortiGate GUI FortiGuard categories, it will still be possible to browse Google+ websites.  This is because Google+ uses Google wildcard cert (*

To ensure that a FortiGate unit is able to block Google+ access, it is necessary to enable the "Enable Deep Scanning" in Protocol Options:

1) Policy > Policy > Protocol Options
2) Edit the Protocol Options profile
3) Enable "Enable Deep Scanning" in HTTPS
4) Click "Apply"

Ensure that the outbound firewall policy associates with the correct "Protocol Options" profile after enabling UTM.