This document explains how to use Tera Term to run a script for sniffing the traffic on a FortiGate and to save the output to different text files automatically.
TTLEditor & Tera Term must be installed to run this script. TTLEditor is distributed as part of the Tera Term installation package.
An example of the script to be used is given below:
An example of the script to be used is given below:
connect 'x.x.x.x /2 /ssh /auth=password /user=admin /passwd=' ; replace x.x.x.x with Fortigate IP address ; replace admin with administrator account ; Enter the password for the account changedir 'c:\' ; please change the directory where you want to store the log file :INIT count=1 :MAIN getdate logfile "log-sniff-%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.txt" ; output will be saved to logfile with timestamp logopen logfile 0 1 0 0 1 pause 3 sendln 'exec date' pause 2 sendln 'exec time' pause 2 goto sniffer :sniffer sendln "diag sniffer packet any 'host' 6" pause 600 send #3 pause 2 logclose ; wait for 10 minutes before generating new log file call looping goto MAIN return :looping if count > 9500000 then end else count=count+1 return endif |