DescriptionThis article describes the steps to configure DLP Fingerprint in FortiGate v5.0 and v5.2.
Solution1. Enable DLP in the FortiGate
config system global
set gui-dlp enable
2. Configure Manual Document Fingerprints or Document Sources Fingerprints
In 5.2.x go to Security Profiles > Advanced > DLP Fingerprinting.
In 5.0.x go to Security Profiles > DLP > DLP Fingerprinting.
If Manual Document Fingerprints will be used:
- Create New
- Choose the File(s) to Upload
- Select the Security Level (Critical, Private or Warning)
- Click OK
If Document Source is going to be used:
- Create New and fill the data according to the server address
Server address: IP address of the file server
Username: If domain credentials are required use domain/username
Path: pathname/
Filename pattern: In order to scan everything in the share use *, otherwise specify file types/names like 'example.pdf'.
From CLI (example):
config dlp fp-doc-source
edit "test_server"
set server ""
set username <user_name>
set password ENC <pass>
set file-path "path/"
set file-pattern "*"
set sensitivity "Critical"
3. Configure the DLP Sensor
In 5.2.x/5.0.x go to Security Profiles > Data Leak Prevention.
- Create a new Sensor
- Create a new Rule for the Sensor
- Select Files
- Select File finger print and choose the Sensitivity
- Set the desired Action (Non, Block, Log Only, Quarantine IP)
- Click OK
From the CLI (example):
config dlp sensor
edit "Test_DLP_Fingerprint"
config filter
edit 1
set proto smtp pop3 imap http-get http-post ftp
set filter-by fingerprint
set fp-sensitivity "Critical"
set action block
4. Apply the DLP Sensor in the Policy
In the Policy make sure that the DLP sensor is applied
config firewall policy
edit <Policy ID>
set dlp-sensor "Test_DLP_Fingerprint"
Verification of configuration and troubleshooting
From the CLI enter the commands:
diag deb application dlpfingerprint -1
diag deb en
When Using Document Sources the following message should appear when authentication is done with the server:
DLPFP smb_list called
DLPFP listCb called
DLPFP smb_read called
DLPFP readCb called
DLPFP:Adding file dlp/example.pdf to document source test_server (vdom root)
DLPFP: Step sql
DLPFP: Step sql
DLPFP:Prepare sql INSERT INTO....
If Authentication is successful in the CLI, detected documents will be seen in the shared folder of the Server.
In 5.2.x go to Security Profiles > Advanced > DLP Fingerprinting.
In 5.0.x go to Security Profiles > DLP > DLP Fingerprinting.
Select the Document Sources > Click on View
diag deb application dlpfingerprint -1
diag deb en
Logs under Log&Report > Security Log > DLP