FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Not applicable
Article Id 192890



This article provides the procedure for changing the MAC address of an interface on a FortiGate.




To configure the MAC address on individual interfaces of FortiGate, follow the configuration below.

FortiGate# config system interface
FortiGate(interface)# edit wan2
FortiGate(wan2)# set macaddr 10:11:22:11:33:11
FortiGate(wan2)# end

To check if the configuration has been applied, run the following commands.

FortiGate# show system interface wan2

config system interface
    edit "wan2"
        set vdom "root"
        set mode dhcp
        set allowaccess ping
        set type physical
        set role wan
        set snmp-index 2
        set macaddr 10:11:22:11:33:11

FortiGate# diagnose hardware deviceinfo nic wan2
Description :FortiASIC NP6XLITE Adapter
Driver Name :FortiASIC NP6XLITE Driver
Board :80F
lif id :1
lif oid :65
netdev oid :65
Current_HWaddr 10:11:22:11:33:11
Permanent_HWaddr 94:f3:92:6b:c9:9b

In some cases, configuring the MAC address for an interface is not possible, especially when the interface is part of a VLAN switch, software switch, or hardware switch. 


The following error indicates that such configuration is not permitted on those interfaces.

config system virtual-switch
    edit "internal"
        set physical-switch "sw0"
            config port
                edit "internal1"   <----- Internal1 is a member of a VLAN Switch 'internal'.
                edit "internal2"

FortiGate# config system interface
FortiGate(interface)# edit internal1

FortiGate(internal1) #
FortiGate(internal1) # set macaddr
command parse error before 'macaddr'
Command fail. Return code -61

FortiGate(internal1) # end

Additionally, configuring a Mac address to a VLAN interface, VLAN switch, software switch, or hardware switch on FortiGate is not permitted currently.