FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Not applicable
Article Id 194585
This article describes the steps required to use an Identity Based Policy to include user names associated with logs.  User authentication in FortiOS 4.0 makes use of the Identity Based Policy possible.

The benefit of Identity-Based policy, over and above being able to finely control access, is if logging is enabled, the log will show the user. For normal policies the user field will be empty, although in the IM logs will have the users IM name.

Application Control Statistics page


To enable Statistics Logging in Application Control

1.  Go to UTM > Application Control and select Create New

2. Select a Category.

sotoole_FD30327_VOIP Application control.JPG

3.  Select an Application and select OK.

sotoole_FD30327_VOIP Application control II.JPG

4.  Go to Firewall > Protection Profile, select Edit for the protection profile you want the application control in.

5. Select the blue arrow for Application Control to expand the options, and select the new profile you created above and select OK.

sotoole_FD30327_VOIP App Control in profile.JPG

6.  Create new User Group to be used in Authentication. This is to be used later in an Identity Based Policy. Go to User > Local, and select Create New to create a new group.

sotoole_FD30327_Local users.JPG

7.  Go to Firewall > Policy, and select Edit for the required firewall policy.

8. Select Enable Identity Based Policy and select Add to create this new policy and details

sotoole_FD30327_Enable IBP and add.JPG

9. Select Add for the Identity Based Policy and select authentication using the group created. 

10. Ensure the correct Protection Profile is also selected.

sotoole_FD30327_Identity policy with profile.JPG

11.  Select a Service, select Log Allowed Traffic and select OK.

sotoole_FD30327_IBP after created.JPG

Statistics will now appear in the statistics page when you go to UTM > Application Control > Statistics.
NOTE: Application statistics can be shown without logging specific user IDs. To do this specify the profile in a normal (non-Identity-Based) policy.