FortiExtender offers wireless connectivity for nearly any operational network.
Article Id 336389

This article describes how to force the carrier service mode to FortiExtender using AT commands.

Scope FortiExtender LTE.

The 'get modem status' command displays the service to which the SIM is connected by default.


get modem status


Modem status:


    modem             : Modem1




    carrier           : T-Mobile-EU

    service           : LTE   --> The carrier T-Mobile-EU has selected LTE mode.


In this example, the carrier T-Mobile-EU has automatically selected the LTE service mode for the SIM.


If the SIM supports 5G or need to switch to 4G service, follow the steps below to force the desired service connection:


  1. Execute the following command to initiate AT mode for the modem:


execute modemfw AtTest modem1


  1. Check the current mode using:


    AT+QNWPREFCFG="mode_pref"   --> Displays the current mode.


  1. To change the mode from AUTO to 4G or 5G, use one of the following commands:


AT+QNWPREFCFG="mode_pref",AUTO   --> Default (supports WCDMA, LTE, and 5G NR).

AT+QNWPREFCFG="mode_pref",LTE    --> Forces LTE only.

AT+QNWPREFCFG="mode_pref",NR5G   --> Forces 5G NR only.


Available modes:

  • AUTO: Supports WCDMA, LTE, and 5G NR.
  • WCDMA: WCDMA only.
  • LTE: LTE only.
  • NR5G: 5G NR only.