DescriptionThis article describes how to activate windows trial license for FortiDeceptor v2.0.0 b0026(GA).
SolutionInitial FortiDeceptor license shows Ubuntu Images only :Once license is available, it is tie to port1 of FortiDeceptor IP address, and in file_name.lic format. The windows license are contained, or part of the FortiDeceptor license.
Navigate to Dashboard > System Information > Firmware License, click Upload License.
Upload new license file that contains Windows trial license.
After reboot, from the FortiDeceptor CLI, run the following command to make sure license has been applied correctly and Windows keys are available:
The following is the result of the command:
Install deception images from Fortinet image server (access to Internet is necessary)
Next, run the following command:
> fw-upgrade -v -tftp -f/FortiDeceptor/images/win7x86v1.pkg <-- CLI to download windows image
> fw-upgrade -v -tftp -f/FortiDeceptor/images/ubuntu16v1.pkg <-- CLI to download Ubunto image
Once this is complete, the following message will be received:> VM image package was successfully installed
Event log should show Windows VM initialized as follows:
Windows 7 VM shows up as initialized deception image:
Windows VM can be selected in the Deploy Wizard: