FortiAnalyzer can receive logs and Windows host events directly from endpoints connected to EMS, and you can use FortiAnalyzer to analyze the logs and run reports.
Article Id 195206


This article provides basic information on why the log files sent to an FTP server contain unreadable parts when viewed in a standard text editor such as Notepad, and what is the way to change this for future auto-backups.


When the backup configuration is created via GUI, by default the log format is 'native' (LZ4 compressed binary) because this backup is intended to be restored back to a FortiAnalyzer, in the case of a malfunction and loss of data.

2025-02-13 09_45_47-FortiAnalyzer-VM64_ GARGALYZER — Mozilla Firefox.png
More options are available in the CLI, where the log-format can be changed to a human-readable 'text' or 'CSV':
config system log settings
    config rolling-regular
        set upload enable
        set when daily
        set directory "/FAZ/LOG-BACKUP"
        set log-format text
<----------- {native|text|csv}
        set rolling-upgrade-status 1
        set server ""
        set username "FiTPi"
        set password **********
This only applies to the logs sent to the backup server after changing the configuration.
The logs stored on the FortiAnalyzer disk, are still kept in 'native' format.