FortiAnalyzer can receive logs and Windows host events directly from endpoints connected to EMS, and you can use FortiAnalyzer to analyze the logs and run reports.
Article Id 189680

This article describes consequences of improper disk migration on FortiAnalyzer VMs.

FortiAnalyzer VM, in current releases, uses Local Volume Manager (LVM) libraries to map and control block storage devices attached to virtual machine. 
From a system administrator point of view, this allows an easy storage extension.



When a FortiAnalyzer VM is launched for the first time, the system will be started from a virtual disk which is included in the downloaded image from the support portal, and the second data drive will be prepared on initial start by creating a LVM structure on the disk and formatting the volume to ext4 filesystem.

After configuring FortiAnalyzer logging on the FortiGate and authorizing the firewall on the FortiAnalyzer, log data and files on the storage disk are visible as shown below:
How not to migrate data between two FortiAnalyzer VMs:
If another VM is created and attach an existing storage disk to the new FortiAnalyzer, all log data will be deleted and no FortiView and Reports will be left.

If it is compared, after the migration, the /Storage folder contains less data than it originally had.  
Best approach to data migration:
From FortiAnalyzer's point of view best option would be to use one of the options.


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