In version 6.0.3 the parameter radius-accprofile-override has been changed to ext-auth-accprofile-override, the behavior has also changed.
Until version 6.0.2 if the setting radius-accprofile-override is enabled for a wildcard user associated to a particular profile and user tries to log in, if the VSA Fortinet-Access-Profile value sent by the radius server doesn’t match any profile configured on the FortiManager/FortiAnalayzer then this user is allowed to login with the profile defined for the wildcard user.
Since version 6.0.3 this is not possible anymore, access is denied.
config system admin profile
edit "Test_User"
config system admin user
edit "RadiusUser"
set profileid "Test_User"
set adom "root"
set user_type radius
set radius_server "TestRadius"
set wildcard enable
set ext-auth-accprofile-override enable (radius-accprofile-override with 6.0.2)
With this config the user will actually have no permissions, but the purpose is just to show that pre v6.0.3 they are able to log in, in v6.0.3 access is denied.
On the Radius server configure a user for example “bob” with the VSA Fortinet-Access-Profile = "read-write".
If you run the following trace you the output is different according to the version:
v6.0.3 : access denied
In version 6.0.3 the parameter radius-accprofile-override has been changed to ext-auth-accprofile-override, the behavior has also changed.
Until version 6.0.2 if the setting radius-accprofile-override is enabled for a wildcard user associated to a particular profile and user tries to log in, if the VSA Fortinet-Access-Profile value sent by the radius server doesn’t match any profile configured on the FortiManager/FortiAnalayzer then this user is allowed to login with the profile defined for the wildcard user.
Since version 6.0.3 this is not possible anymore, access is denied.
config system admin profile
edit "Test_User"
config system admin user
edit "RadiusUser"
set profileid "Test_User"
set adom "root"
set user_type radius
set radius_server "TestRadius"
set wildcard enable
set ext-auth-accprofile-override enable (radius-accprofile-override with 6.0.2)
With this config the user will actually have no permissions, but the purpose is just to show that pre v6.0.3 they are able to log in, in v6.0.3 access is denied.
On the Radius server configure a user for example “bob” with the VSA Fortinet-Access-Profile = "read-write".
If you run the following trace you the output is different according to the version:
diag debug enablev6.0.2 : user logged in
diag debug application fnbam 255
# fam_authenticate_user: User 'bob' not found - using wildcard template
fnbamd_fsm.c,1080,handle_req: Rcvd auth req 854654976 user=bob opt=100 prot=9
add_one_radius: TestRadius
fnbamd_radius.c,866,fnbamd_radius_auth_send: Sent radius req to code=1 id=5 len=80 user="bob" using CHAP
fnbamd_radius.c,244,extract_private_attrs: adom 'root'
fnbamd_auth.c,1294,fnbamd_auth_handle_result: ->Result for radius svr is 0
fnbamd_comm.c,117,fnbamd_comm_send_result: Sending result 0 for req 854654976
matched wildcard template: TestRadius -> RadiusUser
fam_authenticate_user: remote authentication succeeded
__resolve_admin_prof: ignore invalid admin prof override: 'read-write'
v6.0.3 : access denied
# fam_authenticate_user: User 'bob' not found - using wildcard template
fnbamd_fsm.c,1080,handle_req: Rcvd auth req 68747264 user=bob opt=100 prot=9
add_one_radius: TestRadius
fnbamd_radius.c,864,fnbamd_radius_auth_send: Sent radius req to code=1 id=0 len=80 user="bob" using CHAP
fnbamd_radius.c,242,extract_private_attrs: adom 'root'
fnbamd_auth.c,1294,fnbamd_auth_handle_result: ->Result for radius svr is 0
fnbamd_comm.c,117,fnbamd_comm_send_result: Sending result 0 for req 68747264
matched wildcard template: TestRadius -> RadiusUser
fam_authenticate_user: remote authentication succeeded
__resolve_admin_prof: invalid override profile: read-write
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