Hello guys, I' m trying to do a IPsec VPN on a Fortigate 60C, the
firmware version is v4.0,build5367,101109 (MR2) I have created the Phase
1 and 2, Phase 1 settings: Agressive mode Blank preshared key, Accept
peer ID in dialup group " User group" , I...
Hello FTGmaster, I didn' t create a route because I' m trying to connect
a client to the fortigate, not a VPN between 2 fortigates, is that what
you meant? For destination I put the LAN behind the internal fortigate
unit and for source I leaved " 0.0...
I' ve changed the Phase 1 mode to Aggressive and the error on event log
has disappeared, but the connection still not work. Checking the debug
log I found out that the Phase 1 mode should be " Aggressive" instead of
" Main" that' s why I changed. Loo...