leoiaco wrote:Hi Johan,it doesn't work [&:].Secondary IP on WAN
interface-> ConfiguredIP Pool -> Configured2nd default route-> (same
distance, different priority)ConfiguredI'm in this scenario FGT <->
switch <-> router isp1 (first route Distance:10, ...
99% the default gateway on the dmz server is somehting other than the
FGT dmz port ip.Following is the logic why it works when source ip nat
is enabled. When we enable source nat to outgoing interface, the packet
send out of FGT will have a same subn...
One common reason is if you want to sniff the traffic (packet capture)
or want to do flow debugging (for diagnostics)When traffic offloaded to
network processor diag sniffer or debug can't show the packets as
debugging ans sniffing runs on kernel (in...
For the secondary range 180.60.90.x the route in ISP modem should point
towards wan1 ip.This is because in order for the Modem to route to
180.60.90.x the only physical path is through wan1. If 180.60.90.x
network is configured as connected route in ...