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GeoIP update interval



I'm obligated by content provider to block connectivity from proxy/foreign IP.

So, luckily I have Fortigate and Geo IP Address objects. :)

I can see that the DB used i MaxMind which does meet the requirements.

However, I can't find anywhere information about the following :

1. Does it include Proxies within my allowed region ? (MaxMind does supports this)

2. How and what is the update interval ? Can I force it to update to the MaxMind DB ?



//Chura CCIE, NSE7, CCSE+

//Chura CCIE, NSE7, CCSE+
Honored Contributor

Only online information (Fortinet support KB/document/google) that I could find that the GeoIP feature uses MaxMind is in the FortiWeb documentation and the copyright-notice for diagnose firewall ipgeo.


The link provided (above) shows how to update the database (execute update-geo-ip) and when the database was last updated (diagnose autoupdate versions). 


But you likely need one of the FTNT techies to chime in on addressing your two questions fully.

NSE4/FMG-VM64/FortiAnalyzer-VM/6.0 (FWF30E/FW92D/FGT200D/FGT101E/FGT81E)/ FAP220B/221C

NSE4/FMG-VM64/FortiAnalyzer-VM/6.0 (FWF30E/FW92D/FGT200D/FGT101E/FGT81E)/ FAP220B/221C
New Contributor


I just did update, why won't it update itself automatically ?

I just noticed its Max Ming GeoLite, so no proxies and update once a month only.

I guess I should look for other solutions.


But, still can't figure why the FGT won't update itself.

//Chura CCIE, NSE7, CCSE+

//Chura CCIE, NSE7, CCSE+
New Contributor


I just did update, why won't it update itself automatically ?

I just noticed its Max Ming GeoLite, so no proxies and update once a month only.

I guess I should look for other solutions.


But, still can't figure why the FGT won't update itself.

//Chura CCIE, NSE7, CCSE+

//Chura CCIE, NSE7, CCSE+
New Contributor

Chura wrote:

why won't it update itself automatically ?


This confuses me aswell, why not make it part of the FortiGuard updates. We've just deployed FortiWeb and I had to manually download a geo-ip data file and import it.


Fortinet, what gives on this? Other vendors I work with automate this.


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