FortiSOAR Discussions

Playbooks that use "agent" step connector not able to pass vars



Assume this structure:


Parent Playbook has a reference to Child Playbook in one of it's steps.

The Child Playbook has a "connector" action (in this case, Active Directory v2.4.0)

The connector action is set as "agent" and is performing some lookup.


All the steps in the Child Playbook succeed and the last step is a "set variables" step that sets output variables:

output  = {{ vars.output }} or whatever it might be.


In the Parent Playbook, in the Reference Child Playbook step, we are attempting to access those variables and they will always be Null (or not set) no matter what if we have an agent step in a playbook.


I.e. child_output = {{ vars.result.output }} 


Even though we can see that vars.result.output in the ENV, the assignment will always end up with NULL in the parent playbook. This only happens if the called playbook has an AGENT step.


Is there some limitations I'm not aware of? Any documentation that might explain this?


FortiSOAR 7.6.0