FortiSOAR Discussions

FortiSOAR Fun Funda || Poetic Version Of Requirement Gathering

This poetic version of requirement gathering comes from one of the most revered staff at FortiSOAR. Her wit knows no end!! Who could imagine, that routine and systematic process of requirement gathering, could have a poetic version, encapsulating FortiSOAR at the heart of it!!


Security Orchestration, Automation and Response
Or SOAR as we commonly call
Helps a SOC reduce alert fatigue
As automated workflows cover it all

When you plan your onboarding for SOAR
And make a list of things you need
What features should the product have
For your implementation to succeed?

You need it to be fast and scalable
To handle more volume through its door
For data is not just from the SIEM
But email, EDR, firewall, and many more

You need integrations with a variety of tools
A good library of ready made solutions
Not just in number but the richness of content
Content that actually works without confusions

You need the solution to be flexible in design
For every org has its own minute deviations
To the followed practices and procedures
And customizations needed in most situations

The workflow designer to be low-code truly
For you are always pressed on time
Onboarding use-case has to be fast and easy
To see the benefit for your dime

For sure you need it to be secure
In handling all data you keep
In-built resiliency and up-times promises
You have, after all, SLAs to meet

Some artificial intelligence would be a boon
To learn SOC behaviour as they respond
And help new analysts with learned suggestions
Making them effective and cater to demand

We have these covered, and many more
Do more requirements come to your mind?

Go ahead, we are listening, do wear your thinking cap and post your comments!!